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Exceptional measures taken by the Maritime Authority

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Panama Maritime Authority has informed via several notices to all Shipowners, Operators, recognized organizations and all seafearer on how to proceed in case of requests for postponements extension of statutory certification & services, among other topics including Ballast Water Management Convention 2004, Panama Policy.

Notice MMN-07/2020

1. Postpone/Extend all surveys, audits and inspections for a period of three (3) months, subject to a subsequent revalidation or reinstatement of the correspondent certificate, therefore: The RO shall ensure that all statutory certificates remain valid using remote surveys or visits whenever is possible. However, in those cases that a remote survey or visits are not possible to be carried out, the RO is authorized to maintain the validity of the statutory certificate for the grace period aforementioned. All records justifying each case according to the circumstances shall be kept and remain available to any Port State Control Authority and as well as this Administration. It is highly requested the cooperation and prompt communication to this Administration in case of facing any difficulty or inconveniences during this time, to enabling us to act as quickly as possible with the required assistance (see contacts table - click).  2. Annual services of life saving appliances and firefighting equipment’s with due date between March and May 2020, are allowed for an immediate extension valid for one (1) month subject to the agreement of the Recognized Organization. Extensions required for a longer period will be granted on a case by case basis, for the maximum period of three (3) months provided that supporting evidence of each case is presented. 3. Ship-owners/operators of those ships currently holding a Conditional Certificate related to a deficiency or damage onboard, shall contact the Panama Maritime Authority if the necessary malfunction, repair or administrative related matter is not possible to rectify, carry out or be provided; an email along with supporting evidence of each case shall be sent to Please make sure the Recognized Organization responsible to issue the correspondent certificates is agree with the conditions on board. 4. The validity of all statutory certificates (except for Conditional Certificates) expiring between March and May 2020 are extended exceptionally for three months, including among them:

  • Maritime Labour Certificate (MLC, 2006)

  • Safety Management Certificate (SMC)

  • Document of Compliance (DOC)

  • International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC)

  • International Tonnage Certificate (ITC-69)

  • International Ballast Water Management Certificate (IBWMC)

  • Exemption Certificates

5. Color copy of original signed Ships Registry Certificates (Patent) and Radio Station License issued by this Administration are considered valid for three (3) months, from its issue date 6. Soft copy Exemption Certificates and Minimum Safe Manning Certificates for MODU/MOU issued by this Administration are considered valid for three (3) months, from the certificate issue date.e. 7. The postponement / Extension of the inspection of the outside ships’ bottom will continue to be processed on a case by case basis. Please follow the guidelines provided in Merchant Marine Circular No.204. 8. In case of ISPS Code related matters, please refer to paragraph 9 in Merchant Marine Notice MMN-002/2020. 9. The following table provides the contact email addresses of our Segumar offices posted around the world. (click) 10. The implementation of these instructions is due to the urgency related to Covid-19. However, as soon as the crisis is overcome, and restrictions imposed by each State have been raised, we will return to our regular procedures, and a review of the new mechanisms implemented will take place. Notice MMC 345 - Revised March 2020:  Ballast Water Management Convention 2004, Panama Policy. 

The Merchant Marine Circular informs that the Republic of Panama submitted to the Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization, the accession of the Ballast Water Management Convention 2004, including a declaration in accordance with the recommendation contained in Resolution A.1088(28) on 19 October 2016, now superseded by the Resolution MEPC.287(71) of 7 July 2017 ; and that the Convention entered into force on 8 September 2017. Also provides guidance and instructions to ensure compliance with the Ballast Water Management Convention 2004 adopted by the Republic of Panama by Law No. 41 of 12 September 2016, and the complementary IMO Resolutions and Circulars.  (click here for details)

Notice MMC 258 - Authorized service providers for maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul  and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear. 

The notice informs the requirements to apply for permanent authorization by this Administration and also make available the list of its authorized services providers.  (Click here for details) Panama Maritime Authority Notice 006 (April 13, 2020) -  Authorizations to each Panamanian Merchant Marine Consulates.

With the purpose to progressively replace the methodology of printing on A4 security paper, and implement the use of electronic documents, as the only format on board Panamanian registry records the Panama Maritime Authority has authorized to each Panamanian Merchant Marine Consulates to do the following:

  • Issuance of the Provisional Navigation Patents and Provisional Radio Licenses, and their respective extensions, electronically and / or in print, with the digital signature of the General Consul or authorized person in charge within the Consular Office;

  • Issuance of the Regulatory Navigation Patents, Regulatory Radio Licenses and Cancellation Certificates, electronically and / or in print, each with the respective digital signature of the undersigned, which is validated by the Directorate General of Merchant Marine.



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