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APADEMAR 2023-2024 New Board of Directors

Photo: Cortesía del Órgano Judicial | Corte Suprema de Justicia (CSJ) de Panamá

We congratulate the new Board of Directors of the Panamanian Association of Maritime Law (APADEMAR), which took office in recent days for the period 2023-2024, in which our associate, Joaquín De Obarrio will serve as Vice President for the second consecutive term.

For Patton, Moreno & Asvat, this association is of special importance for its role in the development of regulations that strengthen the growth of the Panamanian Merchant Marine and our maritime jurisdiction.

The swearing-in ceremony was attended by authorities, presidents of guilds and renowned professionals of the legal and maritime sector, among them: Magistrates Olmedo Arrocha Osorio and Carlos Alberto Vásquez Reyes; and our partner Nadya Price.

Asociación Panameña de Derecho Marítimo (APADEMAR) | Board of Directors 2023-2024:

Ramón R. Franco Mindreau (president), Joaquín De Obarrio (vicepresident), Ana Mae Ortiz Chase (secretary), Gian Carlos Salas (subsecretary), Alexis Herrera (treasurer), Andrés Mejía (sub treasurer) y Pilar Castillo (director).



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