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Brett Patton †

"A very competent lawyer with notable market presence."

- Chambers & Partners

February 19, 1951 - November 14, 2017


Founding Member and Senior Partner of Patton, Moreno & Asvat, since 1981. He earned his B.B.A. in Economics from the University of Loyola, also he earned his Juris Doctor from Tulane University.


Dr. Patton practices as a Foreign Law Consultant in London, England, in the Law Society – Foreign Lawyer’s Section, since 1977. He was a member of the Panama Bar Association; Panama Bar Association; Panama Maritime Law Association (President 1983-1985);         Latin American Institute for Advanced Studies (founding member);  Central British Chamber of Commerce (Director as of 1998 until dissolution); Latin American Business Council (CEAL).


He was a Professor of Business Law School at Florida State University Panama Branch in 1980.


He practices as a Foreign Law Consultant in London, England (Law Society - Foreign Lawyers' Section), since 1977. Also, he was a delegate to the United Nations Conference on Conditions for Registration of Ships in 1985 and Ambassador of the Republic of Panama on special mission to Europe in 1990.  As of 2011, he has been appointed as Honorary Legal Advisor to Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Panama.


Dr. Brett Patton, drafted the Code of Maritime Procedures of Panama, the Panamanian Shipping Mortgages Law, among other  laws that modernized the Panamanian Shipping Registry. His long and successful career within the maritime sector, made him worthy of distinctions by recognized international entities.


Dr. Patton was the author of "Registration, Security and Enforcement of Aircrafts in Panama," Richard Hames and Graham McBain, Aircraft Finance, Klumer Academic Publishers London, 1988; "Law of Trusts, Panama" Barry Spitz Thesaurus of World Tax Data, Volume 11, Isle of Man, February 1998; "Section on Panama", Shipping Finance, Euromoney Publications PLC, London, 1991; and "Ship Mortgages Granted over Panamanian Flag Vessels" Shipping Finance Annual, Euromoney Publications PLC, London, 2003.


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Capital Plaza, 8th floor,
Costa del Este, Panama
P.O. Box 0819-05911,
Panama, Republic of Panama

Contact us for additional information or comments.
Phone: (507) 306-9600
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